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Before we were writers, we were readers. From our earliest days, we have been ardent, devoted, and thoughtful lovers of books. We are both members of book groups where we meet friends and fellow book-enthusiasts to analyze, critique, and praise other writers’ fiction and non-fiction stories. In addition, Janet is a professional facilitator for groups at the Skirball Cultural Center, Hadassah, and Brandeis University Women.


We love to talk about literature.


We welcome the opportunity to listen to our readers and share a few insights into our writing process and the genesis of A Narrow Bridge. The topical issues of the novel, including addiction, surviving terrorism, and the role of faith, will stimulate interesting discussion. We would be happy to come to your book group, synagogue, church, library, bookstore, or community center to be part of that discussion.


Please contact us to arrange a visit.


Download the Reading Group Guide and Discussion Starters for A Narrow Bridge.


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J.J. Gesher is the pen name for co-authors Joyce Gittlin and Janet B. Fattal.